UPDATE: $175,000 RAISED!!

by Andrew Chalk
VenueForty|50 in Addison was busy Thursday as the March of Dimes conducted its Signature Chef’s Auction, an annual event to raise money for the organization’s cause to fight birth defects. Every year thousands of lives are saved through programs of the March of Dimes.

Such work takes money. The Signature Chefs Auction is a major event in the organization’s fundraising. Lead Chef this year was Luke Rogers. He is the 2019 Texas Chef of the Year and won the 2020 Iron Fork Chef Competition, presented by US Foods and the World Food Championships. He made his first appearance as a Celebrity Chef at the 2021 Kentucky Derby, Western & Southern Open and U.S. Tennis Open. Plus, he has made several appearances on the Food Network and is currently working on his new restaurant, Cathedral Italian Bistro, which is targeting Spring for an opening in Plano.
All this while being a full-time Dad of two young children!

The Lead Chef’s job is to beg and cajole his professional colleagues to be a fellow star at the event. A time for calling in chits. For the chefs it is no small potatoes since they have to assemble their crew, choose the item to present, and handle all the logistics of presenting the restaurant in its best light. The hope is auction goers become customers. Luke Rogers assembled an impressive bunch. But pictures tell it better than words.
