The holidays are upon us and that means gift giving and entertaining for many, along with the age old question of what to gift family and friends? Consider Bertani 2020 Valpolicella Ripasso (SRP $32), a delicious and distinctive red wine from one of Italy’s most prestigious producers in the storied Valpolicella region of Northern Italy.
Renowned as the benchmark producer for outstanding Amarone, Bertani’s Ripasso is the middle ground between its lighter Valpolicella wine and serious Amarone. After pressing dried grapes for Amarone, the partially fermented grape skins are added to Valpolicella wine, imparting the wine with more complexity, including tannins, body, a little alcohol bump and a huge flavor boost. Ripasso, literally means “re-pass,” or “go over again,” as the wine passes over the grapeskins.
Sharing a similar flavor profile to Amarone, many refer to Ripasso as a baby Amarone. Bertani’s Ripasso offers a wow factor that is spot on for the holidays and is easily accessible; unlike most Amarones that need time to age, the Ripasso is ready to be enjoyed now! It’s the perfect winter wine that will please everyone on your list. Let me know if you would like to receive a sample and I will send one your way.